Friday 26 February 2010

First Filming Session

Here are some photos from this filming session.

We had our first filming session on the 26Th of January where we was testing lighting, sweeps and pans and any good angles. It was quite successful because we were able to come together as a group and discover the right lighting and time of day we would need in our actual filming session. Also by all being at the set we were able to discuss any amendments to make to the story board in order to meet the needs of the film with the space we have available. We noticed that Josh has a scary looking tree outside his house which we decided we would utilise in our film in order to help set the scene. Also, we were able to get the first 10 seconds (approximate) of our film of establishing shots of the house.
All in all, it was quite successful as we really came together as a group and got a good feel of how it would be on filming the main part of the story. Furthermore we got a good impression of how we wanted to do things and how it was going to fit with the location we chose.

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